
Outsourcing Services

Build great software, websites or apps using Django or scale your teams by hiring Django developers outsourced in Vietnam with Dirox.
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What is Django?


Django started as an internal project of Lawrence Journal-World newspaper in 2003 and was first released in 2005. The latest version is released in 2019. It isn’t uncommon to hear that Django is the “most popular Python framework” which may leave many wondering why. If your business needs to build with the Django framework, consider working with an offshore software development outsourcing firm. At Dirox, our developers specialize in Python have years of experience implementing this framework in various industries, and are committed to helping you succeed with Django as well!


Django is a free, open-source, high-level Python framework that rapidly develops secure and maintained websites. This framework helps developers put focus on the writing instead of the workings of the wheels and was formerly known as CMS (content management system). Many project types can be done using Django, such as building cross-platform applications, scalable web applications, applications with multiple user roles, SaaS and enterprise applications, cost-efficient MVP, e-commerce applications, financial platforms, social networking, and bookmarking sites. There are so many more to list out, but it can be applied almost anywhere. 


There are a few reasons why businesses should choose Django for its web development. Django religiously follows the “KISS” and “DRY” principles, standing for “keep it short & simple” and “don’t repeat yourself”. It emphasizes being simple and time effective. It is secure & up-to-date with a comprehensive guide on the trends of the Django framework and if the new changes are incompatible with the old ones. As it is very popular, there is also a large community of professional and skilled developers who are ready to support each other in optimizing the Django code. However, the most liked benefit that it provides is the fast processing, rapid development, and scalability.

Dirox Offshore Django Services

Years Of Experience
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Why Outsource Django Development?

Flexible & Scalable
Get the development resources you need when you need them. Upscale or downsize your outsourced coding team and manage their time according to your schedule, whether it's by the day, month, or longer.
Top-Notch Code Quality
Our developers work hand in hand with our Quality Assessment department to make sure that delivered code have been thoroughly tested and optimized for the best performance and reliability.
Cost Effective Solutions
Hire highly-skilled software engineers from Vietnam at a fraction of the cost of in-house hiring. Save money on recruiting, training, infrastructure, and turnover, while enjoying the competitive offshore rates of Southeast Asia.
Fast and Responsive
Start your next project in no time at all with minimal downtime. Our teams are always ready and communicate efficiently with you, providing proactive feedback and reports throughout the project.
Amplify Your Capabilities with Skilled IT Professionals
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Collaboration Models

We offer various organizational frameworks to best accommodate your goals and needs for customized services.
Fixed Priced Project
We work with you to define a detailed scope of work based on your requirements and a fixed timeline, then deliver that exact scope for a fixed price.
Time & Material
With our à la carte model, you have access to the offshore resources you need when you need them, and for the duration you require, all at our standard rates.
Build, Operate & Transfer
We build and manage tailored legal entities for you, handling everything from team composition to HR and accounting. And when the time is right, we transfer the entire department to your company.
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Your Questions About Django

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What are the popular websites and applications that use Django?

Because Python is so widely used, Django being the most popular Python framework gets to sit in the same celebration wagon! Django is used on Instagram, Spotify, Youtube, Dropbox, and many more. This other name may not sound as familiar, however, you most likely have enjoyed its blessings without knowing it. Disqus is a global blog comment hosting system and is implemented on nearly all social media platforms. If you have commented anywhere on social media, it’s all thanks to Disqus!

How is Django used for Instagram?

Did you know that this popular social media app is also theworld’s largest deploymentof Django? Instagram builds most of it with Python thanks to its practicality and simplicity. This was the start of the network, but as the user size started growing in multiples and the app needed to scale up, efficiency became the top priority. Instagram Engineering department has made use of Django to build custom tools to achieve this.

How is Django used for National Geographic?

National Geographic is a television show and magazine series delivering and educating its viewers on topics like history, culture, and science. If you’ve seen something animal or climate-related on TV with a yellow rectangle logo, you have stumbled across National Geographic. Since it holds so much information and has to continuously update news, its website is extremely complex, which uses Django to ease the development. The National Geographic Education page also relies on Django CMS.

What are the drawbacks to the Django framework?

This for some can be a feature, but many can see it as a drawback: Django is monolithic. That means there are a set of files and predefined variables that developers need to learn before they can do anything with Django. This is not a problem for our developers at Dirox, who not only know the ins and outs of Django but also have had many experiences coding it for businesses. The other disadvantage is that it isn’t for smaller projects because its functionality requires a lot of code.

Consult with us to learn if Django is right for your project, but if you are already sure about adding Django to your project, give us a call to get a rate for our developers for hire!