E-Commerce Website & Blog for Women
The game-changer to normalize sexual wellness and to empower women.

What is ZaZaZu?
ZaZaZu will be the compass to guide the woman towards sexual fulfillment, enhance her confidence, and build connections between sexual pleasure and overall health wellbeing.
Bring together hardware, software, knowledge, content, and community to build the foundation of an era of smart sexual health, and become the women’s guide throughout the entire intimacy journey.
Integrate playfulness, femininity, fun, and independence into our platform to create a world where shame does not exist; sex is healthy, pleasure is positive and education gaps are sealed.
The Safe Space to elevate a woman's intimacy journey through education, consultation, and curation of products.
This platform provides a place to normalize sexual wellness for every woman in daily life and create a safe space to exchange, learn and explore 360 around sexuality and intimacy.

How it Works
Platforms: Website, Mobile
Stacks: Javascription (jquery), HTML, PHP, MySQL, Wordpress (Plugins: Elementor, Woocommerce, Leakypaywall)